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Color VHS
53 minutes
Featuring a lecture by salvia expert—Daniel Siebert In the autumn of 1962 Albert Hoffman the discoverer of LSD and Gordon Wasson, the introducer of magic mushrooms to the western world traveled to the rural hills of Oaxaca, Mexico in search of a magical plant known to be used by Mexican healers and sorcerers as a tool for divination and magical power. What they found was one of the most potent naturally occurring hallucinogenic substances known to man! This video includes: What are the effects of salvia? Why is salvia legal? How to grow salvia legally How to use salvia to obtain the best results Where to get salvia legally How to take salvia Safety guidelines Navigating the shamanic psychedelic experience Salvia divinorum and dreams Caution: Salvia may cause a psychotic effect in people who have not used it. Be aware that this is a rare independent film produced by a small production company. It may not have major studio production quality!