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◆ Using large diameter measuring port measurement has the advantage that each measurement textured, such as pitting the surface of the test will be more consistent.
◆ WF32 colorimeter can be whiteness and yellowness measurements and average measurements.Display Mode: CIELAB.CIELCH.CIEXYZ.CIELUV.HunterLAB.sRGB
◆ Structure Design in line with Ergonomics, and easy-to-use Operation. English operating system; Color Difference Formula: △E*ab、△ECMC、△EISO、△ECIE94、△EFCMⅡ、△ELuv、△Ehunter、△EsRGB
◆ Precison measurement performance with core technological competence; Measurement Condition: Observer:CIE 10°Standard observer, Light source:A C D50 D65 F2(CWF) F7 F11(TL84) F12(U30) , Contain light way:SCI SCE
◆ The colorimeter for plastic, surface treatment, painting, printing, toys, clothing, building materials, rubber, leather, glass, household appliances, printing and dyeing industry.
The colorimeter for plastic, surface treatment, painting, printing, toys, clothing, building materials, rubber, leather, glass, household appliances, printing and dyeing industry. Technical Specifications * Model:WF32 (16mm) * Display Mode: CIELAB.CIELCH.CIEXYZ.CIELUV.HunterLAB.sRGB * Color Difference Formula: △E*ab、△ECMC、△EISO、△ECIE94、△EFCMⅡ、△ELuv、△Ehunter、△EsRGB * Yellowness and Whiteness: Ganci whiteness. ISO brightness. YI yellowness * Illumination Condition: CIE Recommendation:8/d * Light Source: LED blue excitation * Sensor: Photodiode array * Measurement Caliber: φ16mm * Measurement Condition: Observer:CIE 10°Standard observer, Light source:A C D50 D65 F2(CWF) F7 F11(TL84) F12(U30) , Contain light way:SCI SCE * Measurement Range: L: 0 to 100 * Repeated Accuracy: E