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Format: DVD
Language: English
Subtitle: English, Korean, None (All removable)
Region: Region 0/All (1/2/3/4/5/6)
Screen Format: NTSC / Full Screen / Color
Running time: 154 min
Cover has the foreign language text as the picture shows. Some Korean letters on the front & back cover - Korean import release
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low point in Aldrich's erratic career, this tale of Lot's dealings with the treacherous inhabitants of the twin cities of evil never lives up to its first line of dialogue, in which a beautiful spy is warned to 'Beware of the Sodomites', who come up and capture her from behind. Sin is suggested by languid groups of people, nattily dressed in '60s evening gowns, lolling around on the floor, while the virtuous Hebrews look more like a bunch of self-sufficient drongos droning on about making the land fertile. Granger's Lot wields a mighty staff, Anouk is as charmingly beautiful as ever as the evil Queen of Sodom, and Baker gets by on leering at every woman who comes near. Watchable for Ken Adam's sets, though God's final destruction of the cities is very tacky. They don't make 'em like this any more.