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Features99 channels;195MHz-230MHz.Avoid the interference of other frequencies automatically.The smallest and lightest,The cleanest voice transmission.The aluminium alloy Charge Case Protable,Durable,Fire Protection.99IDs allow 99 groups to use simultaneously.Completely portable,The aluminium alloy Charge Case Protable,Durable,Fire Protection.It Can charge the battery at the same time for the 2 transmitters & 30 Receivers.this expandable32-person package is tailored for tour groups and meetings which are led by a guide or docent.This Wireless tour guide system is also designed specially for guides and?groups.Designed to carry easily around the neck with a lanyard,Ear-hook microphone Sanitary and safe,no need to put inside the ear.Clip-on microphone allows the speaker to have both hands free to describe an object and make a good presentation.It is a lightweight,multi-channel system that helps tour?participants listen directly to the tiur guide clearly,enhancing the wireless/effortless presentation effect between guide and participants.the Tour Group package delivers maximum flexibility.ApplicationTour guiding,wireless meeting,wireless teaching,Simultaneous Interpreting,corporate hospitality,Factory tour,field interpretation.SpecificationTransmitter & Receiver:Frequency Range:195-230MHzOutput power: 10mWPower Supply: DC 110-240VPower Input: 5V 1AS/N Ratio:≥90dB(Typical)Battery type:Built-in 900mAh Lithium batteryBattery life:18 hoursTalk range:50-60 meters (164-197ft)Charge Port: mini USBPackage Contents2x Transmitter30x Receiver2x clip-on microphone30x Earphone32x Lanyard1x Charger Case1x Charging cableNote:Orders Fulfilled By Seller to USA will use DHL,normally takes 3-7 business days for delivery.Please provide valid phone #.