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Review This book is the definitive manual on speed bag training. The author is the leading authority on using the bag, and the best I have ever seen, hitting non-stop with all fists and elbows. Amazing! -- John Brown, Owner, Ringside Boxing Product Description A complete and comprehensive training manual on how to use the Speed Bag as a unique fitness workout. Written for beginners to advanced users, it includes equipment, punching techniques From the Publisher The Speed Bag Bible now comes to life on Video! Find it here on, and experience the awesome sounds. From the Author The speed bag, in various forms, has been around for hundreds of years. But the mysteries of how it works, and how to use it, have usually been passed along by "word of mouth" in the gym. Since most users have traditionally been boxers, you would either have to find a present or former boxer to show you. This is fine for those who may enter the boxing community, but the non-boxing fitness enthusiast or home bound athlete has to figure it out on their own. No one had produced specific information on how it works. Equipment manufactures offered simplistic drawings. Boxers simply demonstrated a few combinations on a training video or in a movie, but did not offer teaching insight. Speed bag movements and sounds occur very fast and it is impossible to pick out individual. And other important issues, such as equipment, swing movements, beginning and advanced usage, etc. went entirely unanswered. That is why I wrote the book and made the video. To provide a complete and comprehensive training guide for everyone. The system I developed is actually a training progression use in learning the drums. I am much more of a drummer than I ever was a boxer. Unfortunately, I could not find anyone in boxing who could adequately describe many of the movements and combinations that are possible on the bag. (In all fairness, most boxers don't even consider doing 90% of what is possible, simply because it doesn't equate to actually movements in the ring. ) I specifically broke many of the punching movements down into individual "techniques". These techniques can be easily learned by anyone of all sizes and ability. It adapts perfectly for those in a wheelchair, for YOU DO NOT HAVE TO STAND UP TO HIT IT! I personally use it while riding a stationary cycle! My intent through the book ( and now on video ) is to show you how. About the Author The author is a frustrated drummer, trying to get a workout. With some familiarity in boxing, and a black belt in martial arts, he has used the speed bag for over 30 years. His main emphasis is to explore the self-expressive opportunities of the unique rhythmic sounds of the bag. He personally uses these rhythmic sounds as a creative drum pattern to music, and prefers to do this while riding a stationary cycle. He has attended numerous sporting good and fitness trade shows performing demonstrations and teaching seminars, including the 1996 Olympics. He has developed several speed bag training video's to accompany the book. The first video, the two hour comprehensive teaching video, features the 24 techniques of the book, as well as demonstrations of hitting to music and "Punch & Ride" - which is joining a speed bag and stationary cycle together. An Awesome fitness experience! The authors "day job" is a professional in the rehabilitation field. His most recent video is titled "Rhythm & Rehab" which features how to use the speed bag as a rehabilitation activity. ( This teaching video has many text captions for the hearing impaired. ) Rhythm & Rehab. explores how to adapt the speed bag for those with physical challenges or disabilities. It has extend footage of hitting the speed bag in a wheelchair. The speed bag adapts perfectly to any physical limitations, and this video will teach you how to make it work for you, in either your home or clinic location. Excerpt. © Reprinted by permis