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Sugar Free and Only 15 Calories per serving: G Fuel Crash Bandicoot Wumpa Fruit provides you with hours of clean, quality energy and focus without the dreaded crash.
Satisfying Taste: Produced with 650mg worth of antioxidants derived from 18 different fruits.
Steady Vitality: Formulated out of necessity to give you "in the moment" focus, driven by a calm, consistent energy.
Energy On Demand: G Fuel gives you the energy you need to better handle whatever life decides to throw your way.
Energized Flavor: Inspired by Crash Bandicoot.
This time, it's about time! N. Sane Flavor! N. Sane Energy! N. Sane Adventure! Celebrate Crash Bandicoot on his journey to save the multiverse with "G FUEL Wumpa Fruit" - Inspired by - Crash Bandicoot4: It's About Time!