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Rich in flavor: Indulge your sweet tooth with each bite of this creamy filling candy! that will melt in your mouth. This bite-size is extremely delicious that will make you enjoy.
Milky taste: these candies milky splash candies have milk filling that makes them undeniably delicious and one of a kind.
Double twist: the wrapping of these candies are double twist that protects and keep the candy its texture and taste.
Irrestible treat: Enjoy these with your friends and every loved ones! As we put extra special making these milky splash, making it more fun to share with.
With satisfaction: These candies can guarantee to suffice your cravings and give you fun with just 1 pack. This is available in multipack!
Опис: неглазуровані цукерки, корпус - молочна помадка із цукровою скоринкою. Склад: цукор, продукт згущений "Молс" (молоко знежирене, цукор, сироватка молочна суха, жир рослинний, лактоза), патока крохмальна, масло вершкове, ароматизатор ванілін, стабілізатор інвертаза.