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We are all looking for & striving to be happy.The point of this workbook is to share the decades of experience I have with “Think & Grow Rich” in a way that condenses & makes the most important information & exercises available to you in an easy yet contemplative way that will help you create & achieve your goals quickly & enjoyably.I obtained my first copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic book “Think & Grow Rich” when I was 17. I did not read all of it. I did read enough to have written down on a 3x5 card three items I wanted at the time; two different cars & a particular motorcycle.Ten years later, I was driving down the highway in my newly purchased 1969 Coupe d’Ville Convertible, one of the cars from that initial goal list, & realized I had owned all three vehicles, & could not help but think about the power behind “Think & Grow Rich” & proceeded to buy another copy & read it all the way through this time.Maybe it was that I had more experience to contextualize the text with, maybe it was a second reading (sort of), but this time the book started to sing it’s “secrets” to me, & has revealed more to me every time I have read it. I have read it at least once a year since the “rediscovery”.over 22 years ago & continue to learn & “see” things that I had not previously.My business grew & I was able to accomplish more, to a point. I had no idea how important the self inventory is, & during my early forties had to deal with consequences of decisions & beliefs I had made about myself & the world. These beliefs unchecked created the perfect storm for me to lose everything I had accumulated. The year was 2008, the whole world was reeling financially, & so was I. It was a tough but necessary time that challenged a lot of my beliefsThrough this period, I met a guy who was teaching small groups of people the basic tenants of the book. We had long discussions about the book & he asked me to join teaching the classes with him.I created notes, collected links, articles, recordings, & snippets of different media that helped illustrate the ideas shared in “Think & Grow Rich.” I highlighted several different copies of the book, & copied sections I thought were very relevant.At this particular point in my life, it felt as if my life was being stripped of almost everything, to the point that I was almost homeless with very little plan of making enough money to survive, much less achieve the things I dreamed of achieving. The importance of the self inventory section cannot be overstated.I took all that info I collected, the experience from the classes, & created this workbook. As I built the workbook, I committed to doing the lessons & following through with the “secret” that is shared so often in the book.That was three years ago. The results have been nothing short of amazing. One of the constant goals I have had has been to travel & explore different cultures, as I love people & learning about them. This goal was central to the goals I created for myself using this workbook, & in the last three years I have been to 10 different countries & over 27 different cities.There are other goals I have achieved as well, & my 5 year goals are looking more realistic than I could have imagined when I made them.If you want to use the ideas & tools that have been proven not only through the ages, but by myself as well, then I am proud to share this workbook with you & know that if you apply the lessons & principles, you will succeed in obtaining the wealth you are looking for.Good Luck Pursuing Happiness!