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Review "Changing my life and lifestyle! Articulating God's natural healing oxygen, ozone, peroxide, etc. into terms our family can understand." -- Brian G., May, 2003 "Only book I'll teach with! Without a doubt, Ed's the one person the ANA and I wholeheartedly support." -- Dr. G. Freibott, President, American Naturopathic Association, June 18, 2003 Major update! A MUST HAVE for you, your family, pets, and plants. Highly recommended! -- Nexus Magazine, June/July, 2003, Ruth Parnell, Reviewer Product Description Flood Your Body With Oxygen is "Mr. Oxygen" Ed McCabe's follow-up to his best-seller Oxygen Therapies, and is the seminal work on the subject and encompasses its' entirety. DISEASES CAN'T LIVE IN ACTIVE OXYGEN. Proven safe solutions for all the major problems facing our health, our animals, our food supply, and our environment are explained simply and backed up with testimonials and industry and medical cites. Complete explanations and usage of all known Oxygen Therapies. Referrals. About the Author Ed McCabe, Mr. OxygenTM is a best selling author and writer in the innovative health area. His best-selling book Oxygen Therapies, A New Way of Approaching Disease has recently been followed by the new hit Flood Your Body With Oxygen, Therapy for Our Polluted World. He has lectured worldwide for 18 years, and has been honored as the recipient of international awards. He was the first and only person in history to create mass public awareness of the existence and benefits of active oxygen therapies. Mr. McCabe has made over 1,800 media appearances in radio and television, including the Maury Povich show. Mr. McCabe holds a degree in Educational Media from the University of Massachusetts. He is an investigative journalist and leading international author, lecturer, and promoter of oxygen therapies. His ongoing involvement with advanced healing modalities encompasses a span of over 25 years. He solely focused upon oxygen therapies as a research journalist during 18 years of intensive study, investigation, experimentation, interviews, and travel. As a result, he is recognized and acclaimed as an international expert on the subject. Although several oxygen therapies have been quietly in use for over 100 years, prior to Mr. McCabe's extensive pioneering body of work, the general public was completely unaware of them. His undertakings to benefit the good of mankind earned him his popular title of Mr. Oxygen, TM which has since become his trademark. Without a publisher, his best-selling 1988 book Oxygen Therapies, A New Way of Approaching Disease sold over one quarter million copies through word of mouth. In addition to Oxygen Therapies, Mr. McCabe has written a syndicated newspaper and Internet column, Ask Mr. Oxygen, and his writings have appeared in numerous national magazines. The numbers of professional and lay adherents of these therapies continues to grow rapidly due to his promotion of their simple effectiveness. With the assistance of lots of people from all over the world, Mr. McCabe was the first to create and simultaneously promote the idea that all the diverse oxygen therapies shared specific commonalties and how they all fit together into a cohesive whole. Mr. McCabes website is: