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Highly Effective Techniques to Persuade and Influence Anyone! Manipulation can present itself in many different forms. It can be seen as a way to ask for a favor or to control others without them being aware of it. In essence, it is a technique that is used in order to get someone to do something specific. The following book will discuss 30 strategies that you can use in order to help you properly manipulate anyone. While many people will see manipulation as a corrupt act, something that is malicious and hard to fight against, manipulation is simply convincing someone to do what you want them to do. Whether you are trying to sell a product, a service, or simply get someone to do you a favor, you will learn that manipulation can help you get those types of results. This guidebook is going to look at the different types of techniques that you are able to use in order to successfully manipulate anyone. Some of the topics that will be covered include: How to build rapport and use it in your advantage Mirroring and reciprocating with your target Building a relationship The importance of setting the mood Creating comfort with the target The power of doing favors The importance of listening vs. just talking And much more So, what are you waiting for? Grab your copy today and dive into the world of human psychology and behavior!