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Cords of attachment may be the most significant, treatable cause of problems in your life, keeping you stuck in old patterns. This is the first book to teach cord-cutting for self-healing in the simplest possible form that provides dependable, permanent, big-deal results.Yes, cutting cords of attachment just got easier -- for doing a method that really delivers results. Since Rose Rosetree published the first how-to book on a quality method for cord-cutting in 2007, interest has surged.Today, so many of us want to move out these energy drains, whether they are called psychic cords, energy cords, energetic cords, etheric cords, or astral cords.Cut Cords of Attachment for SELF-HEALING presents a clear, systematic explanation of what to do, in what order, so you can receive permanent healing.You might want to use this self-healing manual as a supplement to Rosetree's definitive book in the field, "Cut Cords of Attachment with ENERGY SPIRITUALITY."Either book can teach you how to use the only trademarked system in America for cord-cutting, 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment®. Frankly, this book is quicker, easier. Instructions here will make your self-healing as simple as could be, while maintaining the quality you deserve.Besides preparing you to excel at self-healing, this little book can help you as a consumer. One read through will help you to understand clearly what is involved in a quality healing... and how to discern whether a practitioner has professional caliber skills.This book also makes a great preparation for (or follow-up to) another how-to book this series of Energy HEALING Skills for the Age of Awakening: "Use Your Power of Command for Spiritual Cleansing and Protection." Completely different skill sets for de-cluttering your aura and subconscious mind!Bring on a better life, more success and enjoyment in the here-and-now. Move for