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From the Author Without a doubt, The Unified Cycle Theory publication emerges as the most authoritative book ever written about cycles. The author gathered hundreds of data series' from a variety of academic areas. The areas include star formation rates, various geological data, global temperatures (from geology, ocean sediments, and ice cores), evolutionary data, extinction data, civilization chronologies, commodity prices, stock market prices, and economic data. The book then shows how all of these seemingly unrelated areas actually link themselves quite closely to one or more of the following four primary classifications of cycles: 1) Milankovitch Cycles - Gravitational cycles related to eccentricity, obliquity, and precession. 2) Solar Cycles - Magnetic cycles primarily consisting of frequencies of 27 days, 11 years (Schwabe cycle), 88 years (Gleissberg cycle), and 208 years (Suess cycle). 3) Geomagnetic Cycles - Primarily modulated by solar cycles; however, a semi-annual cycle, a cycle related to eclipses, and a lunar cycle also play minor roles in geomagnetic oscillations. 4) A 4th set of mysterious cycles, linked precisely by a factor of 3, dominate all areas of the universe. These cycles affect Earth and the universe throughout all timescales. The author calls this mysterious 4th set of cycles the Extra-Universal Wave Series (EUWS). These cycles correlate with oscillations already identified by researchers in most of the major sciences. While these other researchers have done an excellent job at indentifying individual oscillations and frequencies related to their own special investigations, the book steps back to look at the big picture - across all sciences and across all timescales. In doing so, it becomes apparent that these mysterious cycles link themselves by a factor of three. It's incredibly hard to believe that all of these naturally occurring cycles could happen by chance in such a precise manner. The book identifies and discusses 25 EUWS cycles ranging from 28.7 days to 22.2 billion years. In the Unified Cycle Theory, it's fascinating to read and learn about these 25 harmonic cycles - with all 25 conforming to three rules strictly and precisely: 1) Each parent cycle determines the characteristics of its child cycle. 2) To calculate the frequency of a child cycle, simply divide the frequency of its parent cycle by 3. 3) Each child cycle inherits cyclical turning points (peaks and troughs) from its parent - with 3 child cycles squeezed in between theoretical peaks of each parent cycle. The book reveals many important implications about the EUWS cycles. It appears that University of Chicago extinction-cycle pioneers Raup & Sepkoski were close to being correct when they wrote the following passage back in 1984 in their groundbreaking publication, Periodicity of Extinctions in the Geologic Past - by realizing the difference between Earth's environmental symptoms and the true origin of the extinction cycles: "If periodicity of extinctions in the geologic past can be demonstrated, the implications are broad and fundamental. A first question is whether we are seeing the effects of a purely biological phenomenon or whether periodic extinction results from recurrent events or cycles in the physical environment. If the forcing agent is in the physical environment, does this reflect an earthbound process or something in space? If the latter, are the extraterrestrial influences solar, solar system, or galactic? Although none of these alternatives can be ruled out now, we favor extraterrestrial causes for the reason that purely biological or earthbound physical cycles seem incredible, where the cycles are of fixed length and measured on a time scale of tens of millions of years. By contrast, astronomical and astrophysical cycles of this order are plausible even though candidates for the particular cycle observed in the extinction data are few." Now, 25 years later, with strong evidence of a harmonic sequence of 25-li