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100% quality diaphragms, plastic hub and check valves are installed on every unit for perfect performance and realibility
All vacuum power brake booster units are 100% vacuum tested to ensure reliable.
Exclusive rust-against finishing process extend unit life.
Master cylinder output rods are pre-adjusted for easier and faster installation
New mounting nuts and washers ensure porper,hassle-free installation
Product Name: Vacuum power clutch booster (servo freno) Part No.: TO315 OEM No: 31440-60070 31440-60040 Car Brand:FOR TOYOTA Size: 5″ SUITABLE : FOR TOYOTA LAND CRUISER BJ7#..RHD 198411-198510 FOR TOYOTA LAND CRUISER BJ70,75..LHD 198411-199001 FOR TOYOTA LAND CRUISER FJ7#,HJ75..LHD..MTM 198410-199001 FOR TOYOTA LAND CRUISER BJ7#,FJ7#,HJ75..RHD..MTM 198510-199001