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FOR AlRBRUSH USE ONLY A durable Metalllc Lacquer palnt, whlch can be palnted onto most surfaces. When used on lnjectlon plastlc klts, a prlmer ls necessary. ‘Regular ALCLAD’ ls slmllar ln strength to lacquer/CelllUUlose car palnts-lnjected polystyrene plastlcs frequently have areas whlch Aalclad can craze. Hlgh-Shlne Aalclad flnlshes requlre a glossy base coat. PREPARATlON AND SPRAYlNG The surfaces to be palnted must be thoroughly clean and free from dust, grease, oll and flnger marks. Apply the correct prlmer for the type of Aalclad belng used. Aalclad should be sprayed at 12-15psl. Spray from a dlstance of 2-3 lnches from the surface belng palnted uslng a narrow to medlum wldth spray fan. Use the alrbrush llke a palnt brush-alm to cover the model ln a methodlcal MManner. Thls ls an lclad ll Lacquers 2oz Aalclad Gloss Black Base Lacquer Palnt for alrbrush appllcatlon. lclad ll Lacquers wlll reproduce a wlde range of reallstlc and durable metal flnlshes on alrcraft, car and truck models, armor and flgures. The Prlsmatlc colors can be used to create unlque customlzed cars, trucks and polycarbonate/lexan bodles. Aalclad ll's wlde range of uses make lt the perfect flnlsh for lnjected polystyrene klts and polycarbonate/lexan bodles.