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Isolation gowns have traditionally been used in healthcare situations to protect against microbial contamination threats. The rising concern to protect the health care worker from contamination by patient’s blood and body fluids demands to have high-quality isolation gowns. Our gowns are quantitatively determined the effectiveness of commercially available isolation gowns against human blood leakage or strike through. More than 1200 samples of 11 types of disposable gown and one type of reusable gown (new and washed 40 and 80 times) were tested at five different pressures (0.25 to 2 psi) and six durations (1 second to 2 minutes) by means of an apparatus designed to simulate pressures generated during gown usage. In all studied conditions, testing showed significant differences (p less than 0.0001) in the amount of strikethrough allowed by the gowns and demonstrated important differences in the gowns protective capabilities. Although traditional thought assumes that isolation gowns protect the wearer from contamination, our data show this belief may provide a false sense of security!