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This “stand alone” home security devise increases the level of security at the most vulnerable and the most common burglary entrance point in a home, your front door! Most burglars simple kick the front door on the side where the door handle and deadbolt is located, knowing that most deadbolts are secured by a piece of common ¾”by 6” pine board. Pine is a “soft” wood and easy to split when pressure is applied in the direction of the grain of the pine, which is always in a vertical direction in the jamb frame. The NIGHTLOCK, which is secured to the floor, provides a powerful resistance to a front door that is being breached by a “kick-in”. When the deadbolt fails, the NIGHTLOCK will still be working to keep the intruder out of your home. THE BASE PLATE IS 7/16” TALL AND REQUIRES AT LEAST A ½” SPACE BETWEEN THE DOOR BOTTOM AND THE FLOOR (WHERE THE DOOR PASSES OVER THE NIGHTLOCK BASE).