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Turner Acryl Gouache is fully Pigmented, is totAlly free of heavy metal Pigments, most Colors are totAlly light fast with the exception of their decorative ranges and fluorescent ranges. BecaUse of the smAll amounts of binder there is little Color shift after Painting and the brilliance continues through the drying process making Painting compositions more rewarding.
Colors adhere to most Surfaces (Boards, Panels, Paper, Wood)
Colors spread out smoothly. Quick Drying. Good Water-Resistance.
Perfect For: Opaque, dry and matte finishes Mixed media Applications For student to Professional Good Matte Finish Good Adhesion Great for creating precise detail
Single 40 ml Tube
Turner Acryl Gouache is fully Pigmented and totAlly free of heavy metals. Most Colors are light fast with the exception of their decorative and fluorescent ranges. Due to the smAll amounts of binder, there is little Color shift after Painting and the brilliance continues through the drying process making Painting compositions more rewarding. Their historic Japanese Colors Allow compositions in subtle Colors that are not Available anywhere else. The rich ultra black and super opaque white are among the finest Colors ever produced in the world. Turner from Japan makes the highest Quality and most cherished Colors and is Used by the most famous artists and illustrators from that region of the world and around the world.