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“The way it blocks out non-relevant colors so you can actually see the combination is genius.” Artists who paint, quilt, do interior decorating, or other crafts will consider this an especially useful tool.
Painters, you will notice the colors typed around the rim of the wheel. Specific names are good to know for reference.
Interior Designers, you will want to take this guide with you when choosing wall color, fabrics, and flooring. See the browns and grays? Even these are specified for your ease of selection.
Quilters, as you hunt through your stash of fabrics, hold the color wheel up to them to get the right hues and neutrals for a lovely sewing project. Any fabric color which is not featured in the openings gets tossed aside! No arguments ;D
Feedback: "I especially like having the reminder of where the different paint colors - Prussian Blue, Cobalt Blue, etc - fall in relation to one another on the wheel. I cannot recommend this product enough. " "The wheel is the only one of its kind I could find, excellent product and delivered promptly." "Finally, I'd been looking all over for a Munsell-type color wheel. This is it, very well executed. A huge help to my newest learning endeavor - painting. I would consider this a must have..."
Unlike a traditional triadic color wheel that is based only on three colors (red, blue and yellow), the Color Harmony Wheel uses a theory based on five primary colors (red, purple, blue, green and yellow) to produce complementing colors that are more pleasing to the eye. This theory of five primary colors, originally conceived by Pythagoras, also includes neutral colors which are necessary to produce a harmonious piece of art. That is why we call it the Color Harmony Wheel! This guide is simple to use and will show you all the colors to put in your next work of art. It covers up the colors you shouldn’t use and helps you choose colors to best complement your work. 1) Choose your main color and center it in the big pie-shaped cutout. You’ll see the vibrant hues and the neutral shades which together, will give your piece a feeling of harmony. The key is to center the large pie-shape opening on the main color you will be using the most in your piece. 2) The "complement" color in the cup-shape shows you the right color for your focal point. Unlike your traditional triadic color wheel, the Color Harmony Wheel is based on five primary colors, evenly spaced around the wheel. This makes the complement color accurate. You simply cannot get this from an ordinary color wheel. 3) The small dots labeled “discord” on the wheel show you clashing colors to use around your focal point in very small amounts. This spices up the artwork and makes sure it is not boring! The Color Harmony Wheel measures 8" wide by 10" tall and is made out of extremely sturdy cardboard with a water resistant gloss.