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12 Meals per case, Genuine US Military Surplus MRE (Meals-Ready-To-Eat). Ammo Can Man, LLC certified fresh with a guaranteed inspection date of 02/2023 or better. Fast Shipping and stand-up customer service for your overall satisfaction. 2020 Pack Date, 2023 Inspection Date.
Each MRE provides an average of 1250 calories (13% Protein, 36% Fat, 51% Carbohydrates) and is 1/3 of the Military Recommended daily allowance of Vitamins and Minerals. A full day’s worth of meals would consist of 3 of these power packed MREs.
Components should include (some variations may occur based on availability at the time of production): 1 main entrée, side dish, crackers or bread, a spread (i.e. Peanut butter, jelly or cheese), desert, candy, beverages, seasoning, and accessory package and flameless ration heater. **Pictures include examples of Menus, Menu variations will occur from case to case.**
MREs are the main operational food ration of the United States Armed Forces and has packaging designed to withstand rough conditions and exposure to the elements.
Fresh, great tasting and long shelf life makes these a must have for camping, hiking and emergency prep/survival needs. MREs do not have an expiration date. They have an inspection date and a pack date. The Inspection date is three years after the pack date, and the inspection date is the date the Military inspects the cases during long term storage to verify they are still fit for consumption.
These are genuine military standard MRE cases and are intended to last for extended periods of time. Each MRE case is stamped with all applicable dates and have a Fresh-Check Indicator on each box, ensuring they have been properly stored and maintained for the longest possible shelf life. Military Standard MREs are a primary source of nutrition for our men and women serving in uniform typically deployed in the harsh conditions of a field environment. They also serve as an expedient and complete meal for any general outdoors man, hiker, or emergency prepper. **Menu options may vary slightly from what is listed as the military contractors have flexibility in what is placed in each case. Pictures are examples and components may vary**