Pond H2o Heavy Duty Waterproof Koi Fish Transport
Pond H2o Heavy Duty Waterproof Koi Fish Transport
Pond H2o Heavy Duty Waterproof Koi Fish Transport
Pond H2o Heavy Duty Waterproof Koi Fish Transport
Pond H2o Heavy Duty Waterproof Koi Fish Transport
Pond H2o Heavy Duty Waterproof Koi Fish Transport
Pond H2o Heavy Duty Waterproof Koi Fish Transport
Pond H2o Heavy Duty Waterproof Koi Fish Transport
Pond H2o Heavy Duty Waterproof Koi Fish Transport
Pond H2o Heavy Duty Waterproof Koi Fish Transport

Pond H2o Heavy Duty Waterproof Koi Fish Transport Sock 36" with 15 Inch (40cm) Handle, Koi Sock Net Safely Transfer Pond Fish, Holds Water to Protect Fish

Product ID : 49062322
4.1 out of 5 stars

Galleon Product ID 49062322
Shipping Weight 0 lbs
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Manufacturer Pond H2o
Shipping Dimension 0 x 0 x 0 inches
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Pond H2o Heavy Duty Waterproof Koi Fish Transport Features

  • Heavy Duty Waterproof Koi Fish Transport Sock With 15 Inch (40cm) Handle Length of waterproof sock is 36 Inch (90cm) Length of open mesh is 12 Inch (30cm) Diameter of Sock is 12 Inch (30cm) Detachable Handle is 15 Inch (40cm) Long Pole has soft rubber grip 5 Inch Long with hanging loop

  • Complete Waterproof Koi Sock Net Head and 15 Inch detachable Handle with soft rubber hand grip. Soft Black Netting material will hold water that will protect your koi. Ideal for Bowling Koi, inspecting or transferring from a Pan Koi Net. Specially designed to keep stress and scale damage to a minimum.

  • The end of the net is open mesh to 12 inches to allow you to drain or to carry as much water as needed. Every koi owner should have one. Safely remove or transfer your valuable fish with our Koi Sock Net. This waterproof 36 inch long sock net allows plenty of room for moving, even the larger sized Koi, with minimum stress.

  • The Strong detachable 15 Inch long solid aluminum handle with a durable 5 inch long rubber hand grip allows for easy movement in tight spots. Comes with a handy hanging loop.

  • Part of The Pond H2o Heavy Duty Interchangeable Range. This head is interchangeable with other net types and pole lengths in the PondH2o Heavy Duty Range so is extremely versatile.

About Pond H2o Heavy Duty Waterproof Koi Fish Transport

Heavy Duty Waterproof Koi Fish Transport Sock With 15 Inch (40cm) Handle Complete Waterproof Koi Sock Net Head and 15 Inch detachable Handle with soft rubber hand grip. Soft Black Netting material will hold water that will protect your koi. Ideal for Bowling Koi, inspecting or transferring from a Pan Koi Net. Specially designed to keep stress and scale damage to a minimum. The end of the net is open mesh to 12 inches to allow you to drain or to carry as much water as needed. Every koi owner should have one. Safely remove or transfer your valuable fish with our Koi Sock Net. This waterproof 36 inch long sock net allows plenty of room for moving, even the larger sized Koi, with minimum stress. Ideal for transferring your Koi to an inspection tank or bowl for medical treatment. The Strong detachable 15 Inch long solid aluminum handle with a durable 5 inch long rubber hand grip allows for easy movement in tight spots. Comes with a handy hanging loop. Part of The Pond H2o Heavy Duty Interchangeable Range. This head is interchangeable with other net types and pole lengths in the PondH2o Heavy Duty Range so is extremely versatile. Length of waterproof sock is 36 Inch (90cm) Length of open mesh is 12 Inch (30cm) Diameter of Sock is 12 Inch (30cm) Detachable Handle is 15 Inch (40cm) Long Pole has soft rubber grip 5 Inch Long with hanging loop This head is interchangeable with other net types and pole lengths in the Pond H2o Heavy Duty Range so is extremely versatile.