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Kool-It Radiator Flush and Protect Pack combines the top two selling radiator products into a kit that is easy enough for the shade tree mechanic, but powerful enough for the largest radiator service outlets to use and endorse. The service should be started with a Kool-It radiator flush and is formulated with additives that circulate throughout the cooling system to remove scale, rust, and mineral deposits. The service should be finished with a Kool-It supreme coolant treatment. It is compatible with all types of antifreeze. The Kool-It supreme coolant treatment is the most effective product in preventing damage from overheating, electrolysis, corrosion, and pitting. The national automotive radiator service association cites that the number one cause of roadside failure is coolant system related. The overwhelming majority of failures associated with aluminum radiators, found in newer vehicles, are due to corrosion. This corrosion is a result of deficient chemical protection within the coolant. Radiators use coolants primarily containing anti-freeze and water. Water contains minerals that form deposits over time on the metal surfaces of the cooling system and radiator. These deposits will reduce the heat transfer rate (which can cause overheating); and can also cause corrosion of the coolant system. The longer that the vehicle is driven without flushing the radiator and replacing the coolant, the more likely it is that the cooling system problems will arise. Extreme driving conditions, such as operation in hot climates, extended service intervals, stop and go driving, operation in mountainous areas, speeds above 65 miles per hour, towing, etc. increases the chances of deposit formation in the cooling system.