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Note that Void S air pillow is designed for use only with AIRMove2 Machine by Storopack. It is an industrial machine for inflating air pillows at 30 feet per minute. In the inflated state, Void S pillows measure 2 inches W x 7 inches L x 2 inches thick and are highly impact resistant. Packaging air bags hold sealed air for a long time and withstand a lot of pressure. It is an ideal material for packing protection and void filling. You can safely trust it with your fragile items. Perfect for shipping, mailing and moving. Inflatable packaging air film has wide applications in many industries, such as e-commerce, express logistics, printing supplies industry, ceramics, electronic products, sporting goods, etc. IDL Packaging provides three types of packing pillows for the Storopack Airmove2 Machine in compact rolls: Void S, Bubble M, and Cushion M. All are available at the IDL Packaging Amazon Brand Store. You can choose whatever best suits your needs.