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This is a dimo tape lighter that can be pressed by holding the main body with the thumb of both hands. The heart mark and other symbols are also available
Fixed dial. Compatible with 9mm tape Tape is stored in the back of the body
Dial: A to Z (capital letter), 1 to 9, symbols (@, .(dot), ^, _, *, heart)
The number 0 is replaced with the O of the alphabet
Width 3.0 x Depth 3.0 x Height 5.5 inches (78 x 75 x 140 mm) / 4.2 oz (120 g) / Material: ABS, POM / 0.4 inch (9 mm) tape included
Features: A dimo tape lighter that creates labels with embossing. Features a round cute shape with a fixed dial. To use, you can knock the bottom of the unit with both hands and thumbs. (Hutting Method) 1: Pull the tape around 1.6 inches (4 cm) from the right angle of the cartridge. Open the back of the unit and insert it through the tape insert. 2: Align the dial with scissors mark, press half and press the dial several times until the tape is winded. 3: Once the tape is wound on the body, move the tape to the starting line. 4: Proceed the tape to the starting line and start stamping. Turn the dial to align the markings on the dial and engrave each letter at a time. 5: When you finish hitting, press half the end of the last letter to the start line. 6: After sending the tape to the starting line, hold the dial firmly along with the scissors mark and cut the tape. The tape cut is perforated for easy removal. *Do not pull tape while holding it firmly with scissors mark. When you grip the grip with the scissors mark, the cutter will remain in the tape and the tape can be easily cut through the main unit, causing it to fail. Squeeze the cut and release the tape is cut. How to set the tape: When the tape is set on the main unit, you can roll it up the cartridge with unnecessary tape. Store the tape inside the grip as is. [Warning] When turning the dial, do not knock it at the same time and slowly turn the dial. If you turn the dial while knocking it and it may damage the parts inside the main unit, causing the defects. When cutting the tape, do not pull the tape while holding it with a scissors mark. Tape is perforated at the back for easy removal. If you pull the tape while holding it firmly with the scissors mark, the perforation will break down and clog inside, causing fault. Squeeze with a scissors mark and release the tape is cut. Ready to use. Accessories: 1 roll of 0.4 inch (9 mm) tape. Embossing dimo tape lighter for flavored labels. The white lettering makes it easy for anyone to create their own labels. Can be used in home clothing cases, shoe boxes, condiment boxes, various bottles, etc. You can also use the flavored font to make messages on scrapbooking. It also features embossed lettering on durable vinyl tape so you can continue to use it in areas exposed to water or direct sunlight. It can also be used to control water and gas meters. With the above mentioned content, it can be used in a variety of scenes, not only at home, but also in the office. We hope you can incorporate the Dimo in your life.