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LipSense Color MUST be used with LipSense gloss to seal the color. It will not work with other glosses or chapstick. Directions on how to use: Apply 3 layers of color with each layer drying completely, about 30 seconds, before applying the next. You also don't want to use a sweeping back and forth motion that we are so use to doing when applying gloss. It mimics a dry eraser marker and board with how it will actually remove the first layer if you go back over it before it is dry. You will see more color with each layer. Then after it has been applied, you need to use LipSense gloss and their gloss only. It is the only gloss that creates a protective barrier without removing the lipstick and keeping it waterproof. Please let us know if you have any questions. There are also several videos on Youtube that show how to use tutorials.