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This supplement to Weiler, Myers, & Berry's casebook, Entertainment, Media, and the Law: Text, Cases, and Problems, highlights important changes in the law since the publication of the Fifth Edition in 2015. The supplement brings the textbook up to date with a series of cases and notes addressing a wide range of recent developments in the field. The supplement includes a new subsection on the Termination of Transfers, updates on the net neutrality issue, as well as edited versions of the following recent cases: Alexander v. MGM Studios (N.D. Cal.) Baldwin v. EMI Feist Catalog (2nd Cir.) Belgium v. Mateo Productions (N.Y. App. Div.) Bell v. Itawamba Sch. Bd. (5th Cir.) Brumley v. Alfred E. Brumley & Sons (6th Cir.) Dickinson v. Cosby (Cal Ct. of App.) Elonis v. United States (S.Ct.) Flo & Eddie v. Sirius XM Radio (Fla. S.Ct.) Gilkyson v. Disney Enterprises (Cal. Ct. App.) Matal v. Tam (S.Ct.) Rebecca Broadway Ltd. Partnership v. Hotton (N.Y. App. Div.) Roe v. (6th Cir.) Scholz v. Goudreau (D. Mass.) United States v. Broadcast Music, Inc. (2d Cir.) United States v. Justice (5th Cir.)