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Product Type :Lab Supply
Package Dimensions :22.352 Cm L X 17.526 Cm W X 10.16 Cm H
Country Of Origin :United States
Package Weight :0.937Lbs
Description These 30mL PYREX high form crucibles have 30mm diameter coarse porosity (40 to 60µm) fritted discs. They are particularly adapted to analytical work where precipitates are dried to constant weight at 110°C. They are also suitable for higher temperatures, in which case it is advisable to heat in an electric furnace. Crucibles should not be subject to sudden temperature changes. In order to avoid strain, they should not be removed from the furnace until the temperature has dropped to 250°C. PYREX filter tubes (No. 9480) are often used on the bottom of these crucibles to collect the filtrate. For more information on fritted products, please check the Technical Information Listing for the Guide to Selecting and Using Fritted Glassware.