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Application Water Hardness Range: 12-15GPG.
Solves hard water problems without the need for chemicals, salt, or maintenance, while keeping healthy minerals in the water by preventing scale deposits from forming and allowing existing scale to break down.
Descales your entire water system and prevents scale buildup in pipes. Also ideal for tankless water heaters.
Make water feel softer and kinder to skin & hair and improve water heater efficiency without ever using salt or incurring the expensive maintenance costs of a salt-based water conditioner.
Great for your home and the environment, individuals on salt-restricted diets, and those looking for healthier skin and hair.
DIY Electronic Water Deslaler Assembled Kit, Two In Parallel Product Parameters: 1.The +V is 8 to 10VDC. The current at 10V is 50mA. Any 9V universal power supply is powerful enough. Make sure the voltage does not exceeds 15V because it can damage the 4049B CMOS. 2.stripped back 1/8" before inserting into the J2 COIL screw terminals. 3.The coil on the water pipe is made of 5 meter long insulated wire of 24 to 20 gage. The wire is turned around the copper or plastic water pipe (it can not be steel pipe) in a single layer. On a pipe of 20mm diameter it will form 55 turns. Since the wire is 5 meter long the number of turns will be different for different pipe diameter. 4.once both end of the wire connected the LED will be on (indecated its working) 5.The circuit is a 12KHz oscillator with a coil of 470uH at the output to limit the current through the water pipe coil to 300mA peak. 6.33K resistor and 1000pF (1nF) capacitor determent the frequency. 7.4049B CMOS 8.47nF cap. and 1K resistor are noise suppression, they can be omitted. 9.You can use equivalents for BC337 and BC327. 10.470uH can be any type that can carry 300mA. 11.1N4148, 680 ohm and LED are optional components to indicate output signal and coil are present. 12.All resistors are 1/4 watt, 5% . ATTENTION: PACKAGE INCLUDES: Descaler (two board in parallel), 2 connecting wire, 12V 2A adaptor, an using manual