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Epoxy Potting Compound, Thermally Conductive For Fast Heat Dissipation
Large Mass, Thick Cross-Section, Low Exothermic Heat Generation
Lower Viscosity Compared To Other Thermally Conductive Potting Compound
Insulates AC/DC Current, Suitable For High And Low Voltage Insulating
Long Working Time - Cures In 24 Hours @ 25°C- Heat Curable For Faster Processing
MAX EPC A/B is a room-temperature cured epoxy-based electronic potting compound designed for large mass potting or encapsulation of printed circuit boards & circuits. MAX EPC A/B is designed to cure slowly for potting large volumes, up to 44 fluid ounces or 1.3 liters. The exothermic heat produced is insufficient to produce a "runaway" reaction during cure. MAX EPC is filled with thermally conductive fillers that wick heat away and allow for faster cooling. MAX EPC A/B is mixed 4:1 by weight; it provides a 90-minute working time for volumes of 3 cubic inches & up to 45 minutes for larger mass - up to 6 cubic inches. Its mixed viscosity is 3100 cPs at 25°C, similar to the consistency of syrup or honey. It is poured into place, self-leveling, and designed to release air bubbles and cure void-free. Upon cure, MAX EPC is electrically non-conductive and provides a permanent barrier against air, corrosive environments, moisture, and direct contact with the circuitry. The high thermal conductivity prevents heat build-up by dissipating heat energy more efficiently. MAX EPC A/B bonds to metals, FRP, ABS, PVC, Plastisol, and other plastic compounds used in wire jacketing and electrical enclosures. MAX EPC is opaque black, offering permanent masking of proprietary circuits & components. MAX EPC is tough and impact-resistant, demonstrates high compressive strength, and is resistant to acids, bases, and solvents. MIX RATIO: 4:1 By Weight WORKING TIME: 90 Minutes @ 25°C CURE TIME: 48 Hrs @ 25°C ACCELERATED CURE: 2Hrs @100°C HARDNESS: 85 Shore D VOLUME RESISTIVITY: 1 x 10 exp16 Ω/CM DIELECTRIC STRENGTH: 500V/mil THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY:0.72 W/(m•K) SERVICE TEMPERATURE: -20°C to 110°C