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Product Description A fully illustrated guide to human anatomy, physiology and medicine. A greater understanding of the human body is an essential part of staying healthy. Learning basic anatomy and physiology is important, but technical medical texts are generally impenetrable. Guide to the Human Body, fully illustrated and clearly written, is an ideal reference. This new edition has been thoroughly updated to include the latest scientific developments, including sections on the brain, the male and female reproductive systems, and genes and inheritance. A concise A-Z medical encyclopedia describes over 600 medical conditions, many of which have been added or revised to include current information on timely subjects, including: Skeletal and muscular systems Nervous system Glands and hormones Cardiovascular system, tissues and organs Immune system Respiratory system Digestive and urinary system Reproductive system. Concise, clear, up-to-date and illustrated with more than 250 colorful diagrams, Guide to the Human Body is an outstanding pocket-sized reference. Review A well-illustrated reference book... the text is written in clear, concise language and is accompanied by colorfully detailed illustrations. (April Brazill E-Streams) Plenty of books have been written about the human body; but this offer far more visual detail than most... A solid pick for high school to general interest libraries who may have either less comprehensive or less exciting competitors already on hand. ( The Midwest Book Review) This compact volume is a colorful, illustrated, and informative guide to the complex human body... remarkably lucid and interpretive. All in all, anyone who still builds a home library would find this more than reasonably priced book an attractive addition to his or her collection, or, at the very least, a good first step in developing a search strategy to locate more sophisticated information on the anatomy and physiology of the human body. (Laurel Grotzinger American Reference Books Annual, Volume 36) Many beautifully clear and well-chosen illustrations... short entries for a wide range of topics... up-to-date little book. (Rayna Patton VOYA) Uniquely arranged handbook which serves as a fully illustrated guide to the human body... concise and generally well written. (Howard S. Pitkow Science Books and Films) Concise but thorough... a wealth of information... outstanding color photographs, computer graphics, diagrams, and charts. (Claudia Moore School Library Journal) About the Author Richard Walker is an award-winning author on human biology. A past winner of the Aventis Junior Prize for Science Books, he is the author of Encyclopedia of the Human Body and Microscopic Life. Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Human Body The Structure of the Body The human body is a living structure of incredible complexity. The purpose of this book is to describe simply yet comprehensively the anatomy (structure), physiology (function), and interdependence of the body's component parts. Throughout the book, for ease of description, specific terms are used to describe different regions of the body, and the orientation and position of the body parts. This terminology, in common usage by doctors and scientists, is explained below. Body regions When viewed externally, the whole body is divided into regions and areas. The head houses the brain and major sense organs. It is supported and protected by the skull, which also forms the framework of the face. The head is held upright by the muscles and bones of the neck, which connects the head to the trunk. The trunk (or torso) forms the central part of the body and has two sections: the thorax forms the upper part of the trunk and extends from the neck to the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a sheet of muscle that separates the thorax from the abdomen, the lower part of the trunk. The terms cephalic, cervical, thoracic, and abdominal describe items found respectively, in the head, neck,