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About the Author John Preston, Psy.D is professor emeritus with Alliant International University in Sacramento, CA and formerly with the University of California, Davis School of Medicine and the Professional School of Psychology, San Francisco. He is the author of 21 books covering topics such as: psychopharmacology, neurobiology, psychotherapy, spirituality and emotional healing. His books have been translated into 14 foreign languages. He is the author of the Drugs in Psychiatry chapter in the Encyclopedia Americana. Dr. Preston has presented over 500 invited talks during the past 25 years, speaking in the USA, Canada, Europe, Africa and Russia. His strength is presenting complex information in an easy to understand way. He is recipient of the President's Award from the Mental Health Association and Distinguished Contributions to Psychology Award from the California Psychological Association. Product Description Clinical Psychopharmacology Made Ridiculously Simple is a brief, practical review of the indications for and use of pharmacological agents in the treatment of psychological disorders. Successful treatment of emotional and mental disorders depends on an accurate diagnosis and thorough knowledge of psychotropic medications. Both issues are addressed in this book in a practical and concise format. Our books are made to help healthcare students and professionals master medical knowledge in a simple, effective, and quick way. Our style makes it ridiculously simple to understand complex subjects and develop critical thinking skills. We believe medical information should be accessible, and we strive to package information in a way that is easy to digest and fun to learn. An ideal book for medical students, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, doctors, and other health care professionals.