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Home Care and Safety, associated conditions, problem areas, treatment options, behavioral, emotional consequences, realistic goals, future expectations, resources, brain training, safety practices, Rehabilitation exercises, are covered. Provided for readers is a safety checklist that is so helpful in setting up a safe environment at home and rehab throughout daily activity. Understanding conditions with safety, care, rehabilitation at home, ongoing communication of those affected is the primary focus.This book compiles researching current health care practices emphasizing safety with reviewing valuable lessons learned and studied in over 30 years since the author 'awoke' from a coma, revealing his own partial paralysis or hemiparesis and beginning the road back and successful career.Many people with hemiparesis, reportedly up to 40% yearly after a traumatic brain injury, stroke or other cause experience a major fall accident within one year's time. While no amount of preparation can 100 percent eliminate post-stroke or tbi accidents, much is preventable by taking appropriate safety measures and adjusting the home environment.At first, the sudden , drastic change may seem as if there can be no normal life with personal and family goals , however successful family living, careers, friendships and reaching goals can still be attained. Sure , there is work to do for the individual affected with their own professional therapists in what can seem as a long road back but many of us can become highly motivated as small steps are achieved and goals in recovery are reached.Here's a Preview of What's Included: Overview of Hemiparesis, Brain Injuries, Foot Drop, Spasticity and associated conditions Care, Rehabilitation, Exercises, Safety Equipment, Assistive Devices, Self care, Safety