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By the co-author of the popular book "How Statin Drugs Really Lower Cholesterol (And Kill You One Cell at a Time)". What if...just what if...autoimmune illnesses like Lupus are caused by hidden infection inside cells but undetected by current medical tests? If so, anti-malarial antibiotics like Plaquenil should have some positive effect -- and do! On the other hand, in the face of real infection, drugs to suppress the immune system is like turning off the hydrant used by firemen putting out a complex fire. Elevated autoimmune markers, in this light, represent ongoing cellular damage by untreated toxin-making microbes, left unchecked by a drug-suppressed immune system still trying to do its job and put out the fire. If this paradigm is correct (and multiple layers of evidence demonstrate that it is) then the current treatments, based on the belief that there is no infection in SLE, violate the medical mandate to "first, do no harm". Here is indisputable evidence that SLE is caused by fungal toxins like statin drugs and other fungal-like toxins from opportunistic infection inside cells due to a body out of balance. This book therefore requires courage because it demands change -- to change conventional thinking or to curse the messenger and embrace the old paradigms which do not cure. If you've been told you have Lupus, the choice is yours! A radical and whole new view on the Lupus-toxin connection, this book is about hope, medicine at the causal level, personal accountability, do no harm remedy and a willingness to disown a mystery disease with a mysterious name and all the commensurate attention (good intentions, bad medicine and open-ended profits for big pharma) -- impossible for many but not for the brave-hearted demanding answers that make sense. It is not a recounting of available conventional never-ending drug treatment driven by drug companies but rather a whole new convention. For those who truly want health restored rather than the current downward spiral, they will find the strength to change their minds -- one of the most difficult things for anyone to do once a mainstream profit-driven mindset is made on a matter. Hannah Yoseph explores the lost science and offers a chance for the suffering and weary. It is a must read for the patient, family and friends. In simple language, she points the way for patients and researchers alike. It is time for medicine to return to its roots: the art and science of healing without harm rather than promoting drugs to "treat" a so-called incurable disease forever rather than cure. Based on exhaustive research and practical experience, this book will give you the hope, knowledge and tools to conquer SLE and pioneer a new path for yourself and other SLE sufferers. The protocols are simple but not easy, and only for those willing to change old habits and able to resist the tide of naysayers and be healthy. Dare to be well and wipe the wolf off your face. Stump your physicians -- and beat SLE!