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From the Author For the past 20+ years, I have been a public relations consultant for professionals and private practitioners. The truth is that I never intended to become a patient advocate--or to write a book. But then, something happened that changed my mind--and the course of my life--forever: In 1990, my husband Tim Fisher was diagnosed with a very serious, cancerous brain tumor. It was then that I became patient advocate. In this capacity, I found many treatments for Tim which I believe lengthened his life and improved its quality. Case in point: He lived for 15 years after his diagnosis--12 years beyond his doctors' predictions. Ironically (and sadly), I found that his doctors weren't at all curious about the treatments I found for Tim. It seemed to us that they were only interested in the treatments they themselves prescribed and recommended; treatments they had learned about in medical school and in their journals--no matter how unsuccessful these treatments were for their patients. In Honest Medicine, I tell about the incident that caused me to write the book, and why and how I set out to find the treatments I profile. All of them are effective, time-tested and inexpensive, yet all of them have not yet found universal acceptance. It is my sincere hope that Honest Medicine will help other people to feel confident about finding treatments that work for them, and that they will not be wedded to the treatments their doctors recommend, even when those treatments are not working. Product Description HONEST MEDICINE introduces four lifesaving treatments that have been effectively treating--and in some cases curing--people for 25-90 years. However, for reasons of profitability (or lack thereof), these treatments have not been universally accepted. The treatments are: Low Dose Naltrexone for autoimmune diseases (e.g., multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, etc.) HIV/AIDS and some cancers; the Ketogenic Diet, for pediatric epilepsy; intravenous alpha lipoic acid, for terminal liver disease and some cancers; and Silverlon, for non-healing wounds. This book has already received a great deal of praise: Ronald Hoffman, MD: "I predict that Honest Medicine will become an instant classic." Jeffrey Dach, MD: "A revolution is at hand, and Julia's new book, Honest Medicine, is leading the charge with banner held high." Mary Shomon: "Julia Schopick is one of those rare people who can go through an agonizingly difficult experience and go on to transform her pain into a passionate, clear-headed campaign to help others." David Brownstein, MD: "Honest Medicine should be required reading for all physicians and patients searching for safe and effective therapies." Julia Schopick is the creator of the award-winning blog,, and has been a published writer and a public relations consultant for more than twenty years. When her husband Tim Fisher became ill in 1990 with a cancerous brain tumor, Julia became his medical advocate and began writing on topics relating to health and medicine published in American Medical News, ADVANCE, SEARCH and Alternative and Complementary Therapies. Her work and essays have been featured in the British Medical Journal, Modern Maturity and the Chicago Sun-Times. Her mission is to use her writing and public relations skills to inform the world about little-known but promising treatments via her website, her presentations and this book, and to empower people in their health choices. Review David Brownstein, MD: "This book should be required reading for all physicians and patients searching for safe and effective therapies." --Book Testimonials Jacob Teitelbaum, MD: "When doctors tell you they can't help you, thank them for their honesty. And then read Julia Schopick's book!" --Book Testimonials Jacqueline L. Young: "I want to express my gratitude to Julia for taking the time to care, and also to research and write Honest Medicine." --Book Testimonials Ronald Ho