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About the Author Shmuel Halevi was born in Israel in 1951. He has been practicing Chinese medicine since 1980, after graduating the "North American College of Acupuncture". In 1984 Shmuel traveled to Taipei, Taiwan, where he received additional training in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Shmuel was one of the very first practitioners of T.C.M. (Traditional Chinese Medicine) in Israel. Both his clinics are situated in the northern mountainous part of Israel, in the Upper Galilee. His patients are Jews, Arabs, Bedouins and Druse - the inhabitants of this part of Israel. Speaking also fluent Arabic, Shmuel was exposed to a variety of other popular healing methods, typical to the traditional societies of this region. In the past 20 years Shmuel has written many articles concerning Chinese medicine, both in Hebrew and English. Most of his articles in English were published in the Journal of Chinese Medicine in England, a journal reputed for its high standards and worldwide distribution. Mr. Peter Deadman, the publisher of this journal, has thus written about Shmuel in the introduction to the journal number 66, of June 2001: ..."Shmuel Halevi has written a number of especially popular acupuncture articles for the Journal. Here, he points out that articles on sexual disorders are relatively rare in the Chinese medicine field, and focuses on a single patient suffering from genital pain and dyspareunia. His diagnostic approach and differentiation are meticulous and his acupuncture approach subtle and refined, incorporating the use of the extraordinary channels and a modified form of the fire needle technique". In 1996 Shmuel was requested by Hugh MacPherson and Ted Kaptchuck to contribute a chapter to their book: Acupuncture in Practice - Case History Insights from the West. The book was first published in 1997 (Churchill Livingstone Inc.), containing 40 articles by the 40 leading acupuncturists of the western side of the globe. Here is an excerpt from the foreword by Giovanni Maciocia to this book: ..."Acupuncture in Practice is the first book to present the clinical practice of experienced Western acupuncturists, spanning a wide range of traditions, school of thought and techniques, and ranging from the treatment of acne to that of possession. I believe this makes it one of the most important acupuncture books ever published in the west". Shmuel has also established his presence on the Internet since 1994.There is also a section of medical suggestions for self treatment, for people suffering from various health disorders. His Ph.D. dissertation may also be found on this web page, and on a dozen of other web addresses, most of which have copied it with permission. Both in his articles for Chinese medical practitioners over the years, as well as in this book, Shmuel is unique in his personal insight and innovative approach. The self treatment technique presented in this new book is simple, yet extremely effective and powerful. It combines the unparalleled potency of classical acupuncture with simple tools and manipulations method, available for almost anybody, of almost any age. Product Description Chopsticks Acupuncture is the ultimate self-treatment technique. It makes use of acupuncture, probably the most sophisticated medical system ever invented, in a way that has never been tried before. In this book, Shmuel Halevi details a comprehensive self-treatment program, for many disease syndromes, ranging from simple backache to heart conditions. There are many acupuncture-profession inner-chamber secrets too in this book, being exposed to the public. The knowledge of how to invert your fetus position in case of a "breech" mal-position, or how to resuscitate from drowning or syncope, and more. All these are being brought forward to the wide public in a detailed, illustrated format, that can turn every reader into an efficient self-healer. Dr. Halevi is a well known Chinese medicine expert. His articles for profess