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One package of 14 - 14 mg NicoDerm CQ Step 2 Nicotine Patches to Help Quit Smoking with Behavioral Support Program - Stop Smoking Aid
NicoDerm patches help prevent the urge to smoke and relieve the anxiety, frustration, irritability and restlessness associated with smoking cessation
Smoking cessation products that feature Extended Release SmartControl Technology to steadily deliver nicotine all day long to help manage nicotine cravings
Quit smoking patches release nicotine that is absorbed through the skin for a full 16 or 24 hours
Use 14 mg nicotine patch stop smoking aids after you complete Step 1 to help your quit stick
Description NicoDerm CQ Step 2 Nicotine Patches to Help Stop Smoking with Behavioral Support Program are stop smoking aids to help prevent the urge to smoke all day long. Featuring Extended Release SmartControl Technology, these smoking cessation patches release a flow of nicotine that is absorbed through the skin for a full 16 or 24 hours. This steady release of nicotine helps prevent the urge to smoke and relieves the symptoms associated with quitting smoking. This clear stop smoking aid sticks to your skin like an adhesive bandage and are virtually unnoticeable under clothing. These quit smoking products also feature a Behavioral Support Program to help your quit stick. To begin your smoking cessation program, start with a NicoDerm Step 1 nicotine patch if you smoke more than 10 cigarettes per day, or begin with a NicoDerm Step 2 nicotine patch if you smoke 10 or less cigarettes per day. After completing Step 1, continue with the Step 2 NicoDerm 14 mg nicotine patch as part of your OTC nicotine replacement therapy. Complete the entire quit smoking program along with behavioral support to increase your chances of success. Start stopping today with NicoDerm CQ quit smoking aids, stop smoking aids.