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You know that sinking feeling when you realize you're out of tampons in the middle of your workday or just before bed? That feeling sucks, and you don't need it in your life. The FUN CUP provides hours of period protection-and when you're ready, you can just give it a quick wash and pop it back in. The smaller FUN CUP SIZE A is great for lighter days and for people who find a smaller cup to be a more comfortable fit. 2.1 in, Ø 1.56 in, 0.68 oz Depending on your flow, the FUN CUP can be left in for up to 12 hours. When it's full, just dump it out and give it a quick wash, and it's good to go again. If you're in a multi-stall public restroom, just wipe it with a little toilet paper and pop it right back in. With a little lube, you can even put it in before your period actually starts, so your cute underwear is protected. Pads leave you feeling sticky. Tampons dry you out, leaving micro-tears in your vagina that make you more susceptible to bacterial infections and STIs. The FUN CUP is made of non-porous silicone: it just sits harmlessly in your vagina until you take it out, leaving you ready for fun.