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Heirloom Seeds
10+ Seeds Per Pack
Pepper Seeds
Rare Seeds
Hot Peppers
Each year we grow a giant garden of our favorite vegetables. Most of our favorite vegetables are old time varieties that people currently call Heirloom. It is with great pleasure that we offer up our favorites for you. Pepper Description: If you haven’t heard, the Gator Jigsaw pepper is being discussed as possibly becoming the next hottest pepper in the world. We acquired seeds from a friend in New Jersey some time ago, grew them out a bit, and can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are incredibly hot. Very, very hot. Are they the hottest pepper in the world? Only science can tell us. They do seem to be hotter than the Carolina Reaper, but that might be because they are larger than the Carolina Reaper. One of the great things about the jigsaw pepper is that the heat has much less hang time than other super hot peppers. The heat kind of sneaks up on you, builds to a peak, and then tapers off quickly. But before all that heat, there is a large amount of flavor. Not just the super hot flavor, but a range of earthy flavors. These plants grow very large, up to 4 feet tall, and can produce huge amounts of peppers. C. Chinense, 110+ days Unlike others, we do not buy seeds from outside sources. Our plants are hand grown with tender loving care. Your purchase helps us to continue our quest to organically produce premium seeds here on our farm. We are passionate about gardening and strive to present nothing but the best for our fellow gardeners. The pictures you see are actual sample photos of the fruits we grew. There are 10 seeds per pack We guarantee germination for this current year or your money back. Seeds must be stored in a cool dry area. Photos are expressed property of Sherwoods Seeds. Usage without consent will result in DMCA action.