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This improved variety has better flavor, a consistant heat level.
It is a favorite of home gardeners and chefs for making chile rellenos, a stuffed chile pod that is breaded and fried.
The light to medium green fruit grows to almost 8” long and 2” wide and moderately flattened.
When you roast these peppers, the wonderful green chile smell is very strong and the traditional flavor is delicious.
It is one of the older releases of Numex from 1975 and still one of the best green chiles available. It is a favorite of home gardeners and chefs for making chile rellenos, a stuffed chile pod. The light to medium green fruit grows to almost 8” long and 2” wide and moderately flattened. The round-shouldered fruit tapers to a hook at the apex. Plant height is 16”-26” tall. The Big Jim has always been the most famous New Mexico green chile. Capsicum annuum (75 days) Heat Level: Medium Scoville 2,500 - 4,000 ~ Packet contains 30 seeds. Heirloom, Non-GMO, Untreated In early spring, start seeds indoors 8 weeks before warm nightly temperatures. Place the seeds in sterile media and cover 1/4” deep. Provide 85°F bottom heat, bright light, and always keep moist. Seeds will germinate in 7 - 21 days. Transplant seedlings into pots and grow until there are 6 true leaves on the plant. Plant them directly into rich soil, 30” apart, or into large 5-gallon containers. Harvest chiles when they are green. If left on the plant for a couple more weeks, the chiles will turn red at full maturity.