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Flowers - Gloxiniaeflora Foxglove Mixture will produce bell shaped blooms on upright stems. They come in an in array of colors ranging from pink, purple, white and lilac.
Growth - Foxglove is categorized as an annual / tender perennial flower that grows to a mature height of about 60 inches tall. They are best used as a back drop plant in the garden.
Butterfly Garden - Perfect flowers for a butterfly garden. They will attract all sorts of butterflies, honeybees, bumblebees and hummingbirds to the garden.
Quality - All Foxglove seeds packaged by Seed Needs are intended for the current and the following growing seasons. All seeds are stored in a temperature controlled facility that is free of significant amounts of moisture.
Quantity - Seed Needs offers generous quantities. You can share with friends and family, or you can save the extra seeds until the following season, if properly stored.
Packets - Each seed packet displays an artful illustration of the variety to be grown, as well as detailed seed sowing information on the reverse side. They measure 3.25" wide by 4.50" tall.
Promise - Seed Needs will never knowingly supply GMO based seed products. The vast majority of our seeds are open pollinated & heirloom, with the exception of a few hybrids.
Germination - Seed Needs packets contain some of the freshest seed available. Direct from the growers. If sown correctly, you will begin seeing results in only a matter of days.
Freshness - All Foxglove seeds are packaged in tear resistant and moisture resistant packaging. This keeps the seeds a whole lot fresher than the competitions selection!
Description Grow a garden filled with Foxglove, Gloxiniaeflora Mixture, from freshly harvested Digitalis purpurea flower seeds. Gloxiniaeflora Mixture will produce a colorful blend of tubular, bell shaped flowers, atop attractive green foliage. These beautiful flowers bloom in shades of cream, rose, lavender & white. The plants themselves will grow to a mature height of roughly 60 inches tall, making them taller than the Excelsior Mixture. They will attract an array of beneficial insects to the garden, such as butterflies, bumblebees, honeybees and even ladybugs. Categorized as a biennial flowering plant, Gloxiniaeflora Mixture will grow quickly from seed, establishing a rather deep root system. The plants then wilt with the first frost, to return the next season, often times flowering the second year of growth. Although biennials such as Foxglove only live for an extended season, it is possible to regrow them the following year, by collecting fresh seeds at the end of it's lifespan. Foxglove plants can also drop their seeds to the bare ground beneath, just as they would in a natural setting.