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Edible AND Beautiful
Impossible to Kill & Fast Growing
Planting Instructions Included!
Contains the Healthy Vitamins A, B6, C, and E as well as Magnesium, Iron, Fiver, Potassium, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, and Phosphorou
Product descriptionDubbed as the potato’s hairy and “unfortunate-looking” cousin, taro is actually a culinary favorite in many cultures around world. In Hawaii, it’s transformed into “poi,” a traditional dish of mashed taro roots and water, and served to guests or fed to babies Large and herbaceous, taro (Colocasia esculenta) is a perennial from the Araceae (aroid) family that can be identified by its frilly, heart-shaped leaves that grow at the end of long and stout petioles, resembling an elephant’s ear The taro plant can grow anywhere between 5 to 6 feet tall. .It also goes by other names, such as dasheen, Chinese potato, cocoyam, curcas and dalo. Taro is native to India and Southeast Asia, and has earned the moniker “the potato of the tropics.” It’s an extremely hardy plant, which contributes to its popularity. In fact, Taro can almost grow anywhere (even flooded areas) The starchy, underground-growing corm, known as the taro root, is a staple food in these areas, as well as in China, Hawaii, Africa and the Caribbean. The taro root is usually the size of a turnip but oblong-shaped, with a brown and fibrous skin Taro root’s benefits come from its rich source of nutrients, which include magnesium, iron, fiber, potassium, manganese, zinc, copper and phosphorus. It contains good amounts of antioxidants, as well as vitamins A, B6, C and E. Perhaps the most standout quality of this root crop is its high fiber content, which is said to be three times higher than that of a white potato Taro leaves are a wonderful source of fiber, protein, vitamins A, C and B6, thiamin, copper, calcium, folate and more. Due to its outstanding nutrient profile,The bulbs that you will receive will quickly turn into one of the easiest AND most rewarding plants you will ever grow!