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Small Bundle
9 Pints Liquid Plant Food: Kangaroots, Microbe Brew, SledgeHammer, Flowers Kiss, Boomerang, Bembé , Big Bloom , Tiger Bloom, Grow Big
Three 6 OZ Soluble Fertilizer: Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, Cha Ching
Twin Canaries Chart & Pipette included.
9 Pints Liquid Plant Food: Kangaroots Root Drench, Microbe Brew Plant Food Activator, SledgeHammer Nutrient Rinse, Flowers Kiss Foliar Plant Food, Boomerang Comeback Formula, Bembé Sweet & Dandy, Big Bloom Organic Fertilizer, Tiger Bloom Vicious Bloomer, Grow Big Soil Based Formula Three 6 OZ Soluble Fertilizer: Open Sesame Early Ripening, Beastie Bloomz Heavyweight Blossoms, Cha Ching For Late Flowering Note from Manufacturer: The Dates On The Bottles Reflect Manufacture Dates, Not Expiration Dates.