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This size fits the following models.If your car does not belong to the following models, you can choose the size by dimensional data. If you are still not sure, you can contact us for consultation.AUDI A5AUDI A6AUDI A7ACURA RLACURA TLXACURA RLXBMW 3seriesBMW 5series-BMW 6seriesCitroen C4 sedanCitroen C5Citroen DS5FORD MondeoHONDA AccordHyundai SonataHyundai I40KIA Optima/Magentis/K5LEXUS ESLEXUS GSLEXUS SC 300/400 MAZDA Mazda6/AtenzaMitsubishi GalantNISSAN MaximaNISSAN AltimaNISSAN TeanaPeugeot 508Renault LatitudeSKODA SuperbSUBARU Legacy / LibertyTOYOTA CamryTOYOTA AvalonTOYOTA Mark XTOYOTA MiraiVolkswagen CCVolkswagen Passat sedanVOLVO S80