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ACANA Singles Beef & Pumpkin dog food is a limited-ingredient, nutrient-dense and high in protein, nourishing dogs completely with whole ranch-raised beef and fiber-rich pumpkin
With rich inclusions of quality animal ingredients, ACANA dog food uses meat, organs, cartilage, and bone, delivering the nutrients dogs need naturally
Our Fresh Regional Ingredients are supplied by people we know and trust, from regional farms, ranches, and waters, and delivered to our kitchen fresh or raw
Grain-free, with no gluten, potato, or tapioca, common in today’s pet foods, ACANA dog food is crafted from whole, quality animal ingredients for a Biologically Appropriate diet that nourishes dogs according to their natural, biological needs
With ACANA Singles Limited Ingredient Beef & Pumpkin dog food, “limited ingredient” doesn’t mean less meat. This single-protein, nutrient-dense dog food is modeled after the meat-rich diet that dogs naturally evolved to eat. ACANA Singles Beef & Pumpkin is loaded with 60% fresh, ranch-raised beef, nourishing your dog with a single, easily digestible animal protein. This wholesome dry dog food also includes 40% fresh pumpkin and vegetables, with zero gluten, potato, or tapioca, making it an ideal limited-ingredient food for choosy eaters or dogs with food sensitivities. This protein-rich recipe is ideal for all breeds in all stages of life. Dogs have evolved to eat the same diet as their ancestors, which is why ACANA is packed with raw and fresh animal ingredients, and is high in protein and free of starches and additives that Mother Nature never intended for your pet. Made exclusively in our DogStar Kitchen, our delicious dog food features regional ingredients that supply nutrients in their most natural and nourishing form. Each ACANA recipe also follows the WholePrey philosophy, mirroring the quantities of meat, organs, and cartilage or bone found in whole prey animals. The result is a nutritious, delicious dog food that empowers your dog to live a healthy, happy life.