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Gentle Intestinal Cleanse: Cleanse and Replenish Kit's tea bags offer a gentle intestinal cleanse, promoting good gut health.
Vital Nutrient Replenishment: The Cleanse and Replenish Kit supports your body in receiving essential nutrients and vitamins for overall wellness.
Cleanse and Absorption: The tea bags in the kit gently eliminate harmful substances, allowing efficient absorption of nutrients from NutraBurst liquid multivitamins.
Convenient Monthly Supply: The Cleanse and Replenish Kit provides a monthly supply with 4 pouches of tea bags (enough for daily use) and a NutraBurst liquid multivitamin with 32 servings.
Synergistic Effect: The Synergy Kit creates a synergistic effect, enhancing the overall impact of cleansing tea bags and NutraBurst liquid multivitamins.
TLC Total Life Changes Synergy Kit 🗸 Detox and Replenish Kit: Natural Herbal Detox Tea Bags - 4 to Tear, 1 to Share (4 pouches are approx. 1 month supply), and NutraBurst Liquid Multivitamin - 32 servings (16 fluid ounces | 470ml). 🗸 Enjoy the all-natural influence of a gentle intestinal cleanse to maintain good gut health. 🗸 Replenish your body with vital nutrients and vitamins required to support overall wellness. 🗸 Detox your body, while at the same time, properly absorbing the nutrients your body so desperately needs for the day. 🗸 The Synergy Kit combines two incredible products designed to be more effective than the sum of their separate effects.