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Wax release
Green PVA
Rinses off with water.
Creates a thin film on part
Prevents stickiness in Gel coat
Partall Film #10 is a water/alcohol-based polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) release agent that forms a barrier between parts and surfaces that are still curing (green or recently reconditioned parts can be reactive). Partall Film #10, the original green parting film, is resistant to solvents and styrene yet is water soluble. Protects against hang ups with polyester and vinyl-ester resins; also used with epoxy and urethane resins. PVA is most commonly applied over release wax although some users find success by adding wax over the PVA film (giving a second part cycle before replacing PVA.) Partall Film #10 can also be used as a surface cure agent during gel coat repairs (locks out moisture in the air that inhibits resin cure). Now improved for easier lay out, Partall Film #10 allows application by brush, roller, sponge or cloth as well as excellent spray characteristics.