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edible white dirt
edible clay
White Clay lump White clay of the type refers to the coastal Azov clays. Contains most of the number of required individual microelements, including calcium (Ca), iron (F), copper (Cu), potassium (K), aluminum (Al), iodine (I), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), silicon (Si), and others. The therapeutic effect White clay exhibits bactericidal properties, has enveloping, removals and enterosorbiruyuschee effect on the skin and gastrointestinal tract. It tones, revitalizes and rejuvenates the body. White clay used as an anti-acne oily skin elevated. It has long been used to lighten freckles. Use as a means of cleansing the body of toxins and radiation in case of poisoning and improper metabolism. Fulfilling the role of foundations in the warm compresses, white clay relieves pain in the compositions of arthritis, arthrosis and chondrosis, cellulite using lotions and wraps. Mask imposed on the hair, dandruff and help to accelerate the growth. The taste is reminiscent of damp earth. Oily, tender - melts in your mouth. When stratified and biting produces light crunch.