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FOOD THICKENING MADE EASY: Transform a liquid into a gel in seconds with E-Z Gel! E-Z Gel is the innovative outcome of 25 years of development. It is the simplest and most effective solution for instantly thickening your food and beverages without cooking it. Simply whisk, or sprinkle and stir E-Z Gel granules into your food and liquids for a smooth gel that won’t lump or separate. E-Z Gel adds no flavor of its own.
PEOPLE WITH DIFFICULTY SWALLOWING: Thickened liquids are recommended for individuals who have difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) and keeping food or liquid from entering their airway. E-Z Gel instantly thickens juices, soda pop, soups, and other liquids and beverages, for a safe and homeopathic solution to dysphagia.
NATURAL FOOD THICKENER: E-Z Gel is Made out of gluten-free, Non-GMO, natural food starch derived from a specific variety of corn that has unique thickening abilities, making it 100% safe, natural, and healthy.
INSTANT THICKENING: Unlike traditional thickeners like flour or cornstarch, E-Z Gel granules can instantly thicken your food without cooking or heating to activate. E-Z Gel granules can be added directly to any liquid temperature, hot or cold, and will instantly thicken to your desired thickness.
STORE WITH CONFIDENCE: Your delicious recipes made with E-Z Gel can be refrigerated, canned, or frozen without weeping, thinning, or breaking down. Traditional thickeners separate after they cool but with EZ-Gel those unappetizing layers in your dishes and gelled beverages are no more!
E-Z Gel is a gluten-free, non-GMO cornstarch that can be added directed to any liquid, hot or cold, for instant thickening. E-Z Gel can be used in baked applications to keep breads and cookies soft, or to add body to low calorie sauces and salad dressings. Products made with E-Z Gel can be refrigerated, canned or frozen without weeping, thinning, or breaking down. Since E-Z Gel is resistant to lumping and adds no flavor of its own, the delicate flavors of herbs and seasonings are preserved and there is no starchy after taste. Great for canning.