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The alkaline cancer diet is a hot topic among natural health practitioners. According to research, thousands of men and women worldwide have used the alkaline diet to beat cancer. In this book, you will learn how pH works in the body, the amazing benefits associated with eating an alkaline diet and how to restore your body to back to its natural state. Eating healthy foods that contain the right minerals, nutrients, and vitamins not only keep your body working in optimal health, but also protect it from disease. Cancer does not discriminate, it affects every class, race, and gender; therefore, Cohen has simplified scientific terminology and written this book in layman’s terms so that anyone can understand it regardless of their background. The final chapter offers a 21-day diet plan of tasty, innovative alkaline recipes to get you started. Changing your diet can be a daunting task, not only are you eating foods that are new to you, but you are eating to beat cancer. The Alkaline Cancer Diet is a working guide to fighting this disease. It’s a back to basics appeal for developing and maintaining a healthy diet that results in success. If you want to join the fight in destroying cancer, The Alkaline Cancer Diet is for you. Author Bio Elizabeth A Cohen is a trusted voice in the natural health and diet industry. Her well researched and thoughtful information has helped readers all over the globe make positive lifestyle changes. Her aim is to continue in her research of natural cures and educate people on protecting the body against disease through a healthy diet.