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Strivide - Strip Curtain Door Hardware - Commercial Industrial Strength Universal Jamb or Wall Mount Strip Door Hanger, 14 ga Galvanized Steel Plastic Strip Door Hanger - 8 Foot (Two 4 Foot Sections)
USDA, NSF Approved PVC Rolls
Easy to Work With - No Smell - Made to last
Can have holes and lengths pre punched and perforated
MADE IN USA – By a Small Business that cares about Customer Service and making Quality Products
"Strivide - Strip Curtain Door Hardware - Commercial Industrial Strength Universal Jamb or Wall Mount Strip Door Hanger, Galvanized Plastic Strip Door Hanger - 8 Foot (Two 4 Foot Sections) Heavy Duty 14 gage Galvanized Steel Strip Door Hanger Universal Jamb or Wall Mount Strip Door Hanger Build your own strip curtain door with this universal hanger! Perfect for walk-in freezers, coolers, and walkthrough doors, this hanger makes it easy to configure a strip curtain door to your specs. This is a universal type hanger that can be mounted either on the door jamb or on the header above the door. It comes pre-studded with a mounting bolt every two inches. Curtain strips hang on these bolts, and the retainer plates slide on and are secured with the included hex nuts."