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About the Author St. Athanasius, Doctor of the Church, was born around 296-298. The twentieth Pope and Bishop of Alexandria, he spent seventeen years of his life in exile from four Roman emperors. He was highly instrumental in vigorously combating the Arian heresy, and was ordained Archbishop at the young age of thirty. Also a great theologian, Athanasius was uncompromising in his hostility toward the heresies of his time, and was known as the ???Pillar of the Church??? to St. Gregory of Nazianzus. He found the time to compose various works of spirituality as well, including St. Antony of the Desert, Against the Heathen, The Incarnation of the Word of God, and Discourse on Virginity. St. Athanasius died on the second of May, 373, having consecrated Peter II as his successor. Product Description The classic, fascinating and almost fabulous life of St. Antony of the Desert, the Father of Monasticism, both East and West, all as recorded by St. Athanasius, his friend. Filled with miracles, wisdom and revelations. St. Antony revealed that there are swarms of devils everywhere, but that they are powerless to harm us when we use the Holy Name of Jesus and sacramentals to ward them off. Will touch the heart of every reader! Impr. 106 pgs, PB